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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I was off and running with cookie-baking this morning. After kids were dropped off at school, Evan and I zoomed off to Costco and Fred Meyer for supplies.

Both Evan and I were a bit peaked by out Costco experience, so we split a pretzel and each got a berry smoothie. Why, you are surely asking yourself, did I buy my 20-month-old son his own berry smoothie? Well, I answer defensively, because the mocha freeze might have kept him awake at nap-time.

In any case, we eventually made it home, and after cleaning up purple goo from Evan, his car seat, the car, and myself, I started to think about actual baking.

But first, a couple interesting factoids:
- Star Wars III is now out on DVD.
- I got the very first container of holiday candy canes while at Fred Meyer; fresh off the pallet.
- Costco is selling three-packs of canned pumpkin and four-packs of sweetened condensed milk!
- Gas is down to $2.50 per gallon!
- The high temp in Anchorage today was 20 degrees F (that’s –7 C).

(Sometimes I reread my blog and think, “Is this actually my life?”)

Anyway, I’m fried from cookies. I never want to see another cookie as long as I live.

Today I made:
Peppermint snowballs (remind me never to again)
Dough for chocolate crinkles; will bake them tomorrow
Nanaimo bars
Dough for pepparkakar (does anyone know how it’s pronounced?)

What I still need:
A candy thermometer (for the fudge). (Thought I had one but was unable to find it even after turning the kitchen upside down.)

Added to the list:
Pumpkin cookies or bars (need to use that wonderful canned pumpkin!)

How many cookies I ate today: 3.

I think I’ll bag the Santa cupcakes and maybe even the chocolate chips. After I bake the dough that is currently chilling in the fridge, I’ll probably have enough. Though, I really wanted to do fudge…. Gotta get that candy thermometer!

Does anyone actually care about all this? I wanted to write about all the zany things that happened today, like assembling a dinner that was not going to be done cooking before the kids went to bed. Never mind. Sorry this is so boring, but I’m really tired.


At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pepperkakor. Jane-Ellen has a killer recipe (slobber), so she might lend you some insight. Which reminds me...gotta get my hands on that thing for some quality baking time. Or maybe I'll just have you make them instead :-)



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