Yeah! Some Pictures!

The producers took kids to this room in groups of six and sat them in front of the wall hanging you see behind Jack. They asked the kids general questions about themselves and their interests.

My gut instinct at this point is that Jack probably won't be picked. When I see him, tall, skinny, and with an "Alaskan tan", looking more 15 than 5th grade, next to those round-cheeked tan cherubs that look like second graders, reality sets in. So far, all the kids I've ever seen on the show have looked like the latter.
But that's okay. It certainly is a grand adventure!
So the audition was very interesting. Way up there on the once in a lifetime scale of things to do. The crowd ranged from seasoned professionals, to cowed tourists (like ourselves). I've got to hand it to the network, they truly seemed sincere in wanting to know what the kids were about, and did everything they could to engage the kids at many levels, through a one-on-one interview for the "affiliates" to a low stress tell the producer session. Yeah, Jack might not quite fit the short punky fifth grader persona, but for sure he held his own. Win, lose, or draw (no pun intended by the allusion to another game show), he did great and we could not be more proud. As Jack said, he will shed a few tears if he doesn't get a spot, but I really believe he is sincere when he says he would be OK with whatever happens.
"The Dad"
Though I wasn't there physically, Bruce did admirably giving my every measely detail. It feels like I was there.
I agree with Bruce: we couldn't be more proud of Jack. Only two days into being 10-years-old, he doesn't begin to realize how much courage it takes to do what he just did. Hopefully, someday, when he needs it most, he will.
OUr advice to Jack all along has been: be yourself and have fun.
When Jack was a preschooler, and we would refer to him by any number of affectations, he would always correct us, saying, "I'm not a ___________; I'm just Jack."
Just Jack. That's all we can hope to ask for.
Well, "Just Jack" remains one of my favorite people on the tell him so!
See you soon :-)
Maybe they are looking for a "fresh" look and not the usual ones that show up!
Go Jack Go!!!
Looking at these photos again I have to laugh that Jack has a book under his chair!
We on Halyards Circle think they might want a child who is a bit different from the ususal they've had on the show, plus the uniqueness of being from ALASKA! Yeah for JACK! We love him here!
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