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Monday, July 07, 2008

No News Probably Means "No"

A great "to do" was made when Jack recently won a chance to audition in Los Angeles for the tv show "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?".

That was over a week ago now. We are enjoying hot, sunny days in western Washington visiting friends and family. We have been swimming, walking on the beach, and otherwise contentedly "hanging out."

However, we haven't heard a word from FOX Television. At this point, both Bruce and I are assuming this means Jack wasn't selected. Like many kinds of job interviews, sometimes you just don't hear anything. Ever.

So, unless we hear otherwise, we are assuming life will go on in its sweetly normal fashion.

It was a very fun, wonderful experience. Thanks for the encouragement and support shown to us!


At 10:11 AM, Blogger kq1226 said...

As we said, he has already won - the wonderful experience. I am still very proud of him and think he is the best!


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