Note to self: Read every book ever written by author M. T. Anderson. Stop at nothing. Stoop to borrowing library books if necessary. Should the goal become fuzzy, remember: The man is a literary genius.
I am a 35-year-old mother of four, who fancies herself a writer, but who is more often lost in a book. I have made it my goal in life to balance childrearing, housework, marriage, relationships, and book-reading. "For I know very well what the temptations of the Devil are, and that one of his greatest is to put it into a man's head that he can write and print a book, and gain both money and fame by it." - "Don Quixote", Cervantes
Linda - I'm commenting here in case you don't pick up my response comment on my suburban Christian blog. One of my readers created a study guide/lesson plan/discussion questions based on the book for his church. I can't figure out how to upload documents to the blog for download, so e-mail me at ahsu at ivpress dot com and I'll send you the files.
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